The Small 'Mark' among us!

The little 'Mark' who reflects us! We love to meet each other every Sunday and we had been meeting this way since last seven years. In church as youth, there are many things we do together. My two friends Arpan and Akash sing and play guitar beautifully while I just stand along with them to be as background singer. From practicing choir, singing, praise and worship, prayers for each other and lots of other gossips after service, they all have been best moment we have spent together. Though all these togetherness and life with music has given us memorable time, there is something in our church that keeps us reminding about our childhood days. That something is little 3 years boy Mark, who loves intimating us. Yes, He does intimate us during praise and worship too. (in picture: Mark with his guitar) When we guys come forward to start choir, Mark, irrespective of the things he might be doing at any corner, runs towards his desk to carry his children ...