Respect: A First Step to eliminate Women Violence

Respect: A First Step to eliminate Women Violence Follow and Teach For as woman was made from man, in the same way man is born of woman; and it is God who brings everything into existence. 1 Corinthians 11:12; The Holy Bible. God made Men and Women to be for each other, to be friend for each other; as soul mate and partner not to be slave. Women were given the gift to be mother and Men were given the extra responsibility to protect his family. This brought a belief in society that women are slightly physically weaker than of men. Cultures got formed and time got changed. Society adapted in patriarchal form while nature got beautified through presence of women, most the beautiful creation of Almighty. They exists to be Loved; They live to Love us. Alas! A degradation in society got evolved "Women Violence". Rapes and Sexual abuse are not only the form of Women Violence we can see these days. Domestic Violence, Physical and Mental Torture, Slavery, Dominance, Confin...