The Sour Grapes

The Sour Grapes

"Dude, She didn’t deserve you, Forget her!"

"I do not know on what angle you find her beautiful, There are many others bro."

"Have you seen her attitude, that sucks more than anything?"

"Have you ever seen without make up? She is horrible in that"

"Thank God that he went away, Else he would have made your life Hell out of it!"

Early in My primary level of School, I had gone through one story of Fox trying to grab grapes of taller tree, well above it’s reach. After many failing attempts of catching the grapes, he concludes it is sour and runs away. . May Be, Today’s Love is the same, We keep saying good words until it is in our reach and we tag them with words bitter than’sour’ when they are beyond our reach.

I beg a pardon if there is somebody who is saying, "One more blog by Suraj on Love and Relationship, Disgusting!" . My continue post on this topic might have bored many of you, but deep within my heart, I find it necessity to share.

While on past where I have listened to many broken hearts, when I have counseled many people in their love and relationship issues, I hear all these above(the first four line of this blog) many times. Even many of girls when they talk with me about their broken relationship, they say similar things. Let me tell you what do they and their friend say in beginning of relationship(I am sure you might have heard it from many people).

"She is an angel for me, I have been blessed in every form since she has arrived here."

"He cares me like everything. Nobody had let me feel so special ever before"

"She is the most beautiful girl of campus, You are lucky to have her!"

"She walks with the style, She has a class that distinguishes her from the remaining of crowd"

"Yes, he is different than the people who proposed you earlier. You can see a true love on him".

We have often heard, Love is blind. . Yes, Its true that We can’t see many unmatched parts when we are drowned in the feeling with someone. We realize the differences when we come out of it. But then how come friends of love bird couldn’t see all these when their friend were blind(i.e they were in relationship). We along with our friends have varieties of sweet words for the person we are recently in love, but when we come out of this love, what all we generate is series of hatred words and blame which the other person never deserved. Do they? Really?

This is the Question to think out, and answer it to yourself because at the end, its only the concerned person is going to suffer. I didn’t meant a person can be same always, they changes with time so as their feelings but.

If my yesterday’s love is converted into the hatred words, then it will be the insult to me, it will be insult to feelings I had. More ever, it will be insult to the person for whom we have seen dreams in’awake mood’ in many nights. Let not any impurity be mixed within the emotion of Love.

For any those who may be falling in Love this season, If possible, have a pledge, however be the status of relationship, I will always respect the other heart. Believe me, this gives lots of happiness and peace within us.

And If you are the one among friends of love birds, say them "The Straight No",  if they don’t deserve each other, else Don’t say them later, those Grapes were sour!

Either those grapes are reachable or unreachable, they were always sweet and pure as of LOVE which has world hidden with it.

Grow in Love and Keep Reading




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