My review on badmaash company

My review on badmaash company

Badmaash company review-  Bad company but not bad movie

Once again for the second time in this year, I headed to watch a first day first show. This time on Fame. The show was of 10:45 am, but had to wait 15 more minutes to start the movie. Don’t know what was the problem, but as movie started, all the boredom went out and I started enjoying the movie.

Story in Movie-

Shahid starts narrating the story of the time 1994 AD comparing it with present situation. He himself as
“Karan”, his friend chandu and Zing. they are on the way to paid Thailand trip after their exam got over. They meet with Anushka Sharma as “Bulbul”. They all four were on the trip for a same destination working for the same person. They get introduced with Bulbul and they express their aim and destination of life. Every one had their own aim and their own desire to live a life. Karan’s father wants him to study Mba and have a good job. But Karan, he has his own plan of doing business and being a successful person.

Later after returning to Mumbai, Karan shares with his friend about his new idea of business and convince them to start a business. For this he takes help of money from his Mammu at USA and they import Rebook Shoes from Thailand. Using their some idea, they save the custom duty charge by cheating custom office at Calcutta and madras sea-port and they sell it into Bombay market. With this they establish their own company as “Friends and company”. On the other hand, Karan’s father (anupam kher) is not satisfied from his son’s procedure of earning money and to keep his dream alive, Karan leaves a home. Karan still continue the business and his friendship with his friends and they earn money in few trips but a step of government in reducing the import custom duty from 120% to 20% shuts their way of earning money. This step takes them to USA with hope of making more money and first half ends here.

In the second half of movie, they continue their cheating way of earning the money. Karan as a leader is one with the master mind, but along with the change of time and earning of money, he gains some ego and feeling of supremacy in his mind. He started thinking himself as “god” and he never want to stop his style of earning and his desire of reaching the highest level was making them do many fraud works. They cheat with bank to earn money too. Later his quarrelling with his friends and his love fragments the company and the other three starts their individual way of living on right manner. Karan goes to jail and he comes back after six months.

Will Karan be able to get his love back? Will his friends re-unite again to be back in his company “Friends and company”? Will he be able to get his dream? That is what movie has in the last 30 minutes.


Story with the current age-

Story claims to be the time of 1994, but we can’t ignore the fact that today’s youth are also dreaming as higher as Karan had dreamed. To get their dreams achieved many youth have adapted fraud ideas, and these live examples are seen most of the time in society too. However a greater height person may reach or however clever he may be, a time will come by which he may be back on the earth. But these types of incident are found more in number than as of 1994.



Shahid kapoor have represented the few categories of youth and he is once again best in his job. He and his acting have taken this movie into the next level, where Anushka Sharma is also suitably feet in her acting. Overall the acting in this movie is a superb and all are in their best. I rate their acting as 4 out of 5


Story at glance-

The first half of the movie never looks boring and on the interval many people might be making up their mind to watch it again. Story starts with comedies and romance scene. Later their ideas of getting a business makes first half very interesting.  But story goes down in the second half as they reach America. Story is not to slow here, but the level of interest which movie had picked up in the first half is not maintained and some boredom is created. But again in the last 20 minutes, movie is better finished with the happy ending. I rate the story as 3 out of 5



Expressing my personal view on the music of this movie, I can’t rate it as high class. Music is acceptable but again here variation in songs is absent. Some good music in the second half would have made movie a better one.  Still I rate its music as; I rate it out as 2.5 out of 5



Debutant Director Parmeet Sethi has done a fantastic job and his direction is better. Yeah, I can say, he has done a great job in his very first movie. He has mixed comedy, romance and emotions in the movie and they are suitable in their own place.


But the way, one plots are not linked with each other, I felt as if I was watching a different episode of CID where only characters and their friends are similar and the similar is their job, but the story and ideas don’t have relation with another.


One or better two songs, few better works in story and in my personal view, showing of this movie in current position would have been much better. Because I was not able to understand why the story is shown of time of some 15 years ago where the story is still seen in our current society. Finishing the story in USA is another point where I was disappointed. If the story was targeted to the community, it should have its final shoot in India because USA is not the place where all success lies and we can get the achievements and our dreams in our motherland itself too.

And once again as other movie, second half is not interesting as first half. This is the area where bollywood movies seriously need to work on to raise their level of standards.


My overall rating 3 out of 5

Recommendation- yes but watch it as entertaining movie and it is one time watchable movie.

Do  comment in my review.

and please do view my other articles and your comments on my literature will be valuable suggestion for me.



this review was first posted in




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